10 important steps to take after finishing a camming session, that you can start today

Maybe your body aches from lying or sitting down in one position for too long. 

You could be a little sore down there, or maybe your eyes are tired and mind is foggy from staring at your screen for a long period of time.

However you’re feeling after your session, its handy to follow certain steps to help maintain your mental and physical wellbeing, and help bring you out of the virtual world and back into the real one. 


1. Clean Your Toys 

Using unclean toys risks bacterias, and other nasties such a fungi, making their way into the vaginal and vulval area. This can create problems such as bacterial vaginosis, thrush and the dreaded UTI’s. If these toys are shared there is also the chance of spreading STI’s. 

As a webcam model this is a big issue and therefore proper cleaning/sanitising of toys after every session is essential. 

It’s important to keep the instructions for cleaning your toys and to follow them carefully. Due to the different materials used to make different toys, cleaning instructions do vary so be sure to do your research, otherwise you might find yourself accidentally ruining your toys, which can be pretty expensive to replace.

There are storage bags and pouches for individual items, and storage boxes to put your whole collection in. Putting each toy in its own bag will help to keep it clean and also prevent colour transfer between items. 

If you clean them soon after your session is over, you’ll know that when you start a new show they’re going to be all there waiting for you fresh, clean and ready to use. There’s nothing worse than being excited and ready to start a show, when you realise all your toys and dirty and need cleaning.

2. Practice Self Hygiene 

Gently washing your vulva and surrounding areas after camming sessions is an absolute must, and will help protect you from infections. You can use warm water, gentle soaps or products specially designed for the intimate area. You should avoid using  scented items, and keep everything as gentle as possible to make sure the area stays calm and not irritated.

Make sure you wash your hands and also empty your bladder then if possible have a glass of water. When you pee more, your bladder is washing out bacteria which means you’ll be much less likely to get infections.

Wearing loose fitting bottoms after a camming session is not only super comfortable and relaxing, but it’s also beneficial to your hygiene. Hot, sweaty places are a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi and yeasts. So keeping clothes and underwear loose and breathable down there when possible is advisable. 

Photo by Victoria Alexandrova on Unsplash

3. Body Stretches 

Sitting or lying down in the same position for hours at a time can cause aches and pains in your body, causing loss of flexibility and even injury. It’s important, if you can, during your cam session to make sure you regularly change your position. 

After you’ve finished a session, especially a long one, it can be really helpful to perform stretches to help loosen your muscles and stop you getting those nagging aches that might effect your next session. 

Notable areas to focus on would be your neck, shoulders and back. And any stretches that encourage good posture. I found yoga to be helpful to help relax both my body and mind. 

Photo by Leoanafineart Photography on Unsplash

4. Get Some Fresh Air

Unless you’re lucky enough to be having great weather and have managed to setup an outdoor session, most of us will be camming indoors. 

A lack of fresh air for hours on end can cause symptoms such as headaches, brain fog and tiredness, watery eyes and respiratory problems. 

If you’re able to have open windows or keep windows on the catch that would allow for a really good fresh air source if you have good air quality where you live. Getting some fresh air after a session can be really good for you in many ways, even if that means just sitting outdoors for a while if you’ve had an exhausting session. If it’s suitable where you live, going for a walk could be really beneficial also. 

Going for a quick walk wether its around your garden or out and about will help raise your oxygen levels and get your blood pumping around your body, making you feel refreshed and energised again. Getting some sunlight will also give you some all important vitamin D.

5. Spend Some Time With A Pet

Spending time with our pets after being online for a while can have so many benefits. Wether you’ve had a great session, a quiet uneventful session or a difficult and unpleasant client, our pets can help ground us and bring us back into the present after spending time in our virtual world. 

Spending time with our pets has been proven to – 

  • Reduce our stress and anxiety
  • Increase our happiness levels
  • Provides us with affection and comfort

It makes perfect sense to spend time with our pet after a camming session to bring us back down to earth. Personally my cat has been the best co-worker I’ve ever had!

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

6. Thank Your Clients

Straight after finishing your show it could be a good idea to thank your client/clients. If you’ve had a big group session this of course wouldn’t be an easy task, however if you’ve had a one to one that you enjoyed and found the client to be polite and pay well, it may be an idea to send them a private message. 

You could thank them for the time they spend in your room with you, let them know how much you enjoyed yourself and let them know that you hope to cam again with them soon. This will make them feel special, appreciated and more likely to return to see you again, providing you with some potentially very profitable repeat business. 

When you have respectful clients that you actually have fun with and really enjoy camming with, it does pay to built a rapport with them. The more regular clients of yours that you actually like, the less inclined you will be to see clients you’re not entirely happy or comfortable with, which is very important for your mental health. 

7. Transform Your Environment 

The vast majority of us cam from our homes. As soon as your session is done and you’re not going to be going back online for a while, its a really good idea to turn your camming environment back to your normal home environment. 

This will help you switch off from your camming persona and transition back into the non-work you, and help you to differentiate work time from home time. 

This means putting all camming things away out of sight if possible, so that’s your lights, cameras, toys and any other things that you use solely for your shows. 

If you don’t do this, there’s a risk your work and home life will start to blend together and you’ll find it harder to relax, or maybe work more hours than you’d like. If you’re lucky enough to have a room dedicated just to camming that’s awesome and will keep everything work related in one place, able to be shut away when work is done. However for most of us camming from our bedrooms, this advise can be helpful in maintaining a work life balance and keeping on top of our mental health.

Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

8. Close And Rest Your Eyes 

As we all know, spending too many hours staring at a screen can cause us eye strain, blurred vision and tired eyes. This can lead to headaches and in the long term possible sight issues.

The current advice given by professionals while working at a screen is to look away every 20 minutes, look at something 20ft away for at least 20 seconds. 

After a camming session, just closing your eyes for a little while is really helpful, eye mask optional. Also looking at something more long distance. This can help balance your vision after looking short distance for too long.

If your eyes feel strained it can be soothing to gently massage them with clean hands or to apply warm and cold compresses.

Camming in the winter months can be especially hard on the eyes, what with the extra lighting, and with the heating on all day. Mix this together with a lot of time looking at your screen can cause really dry and irritated eyes. Moisturising eye drops can really help.

Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash

9. Rehydrate

Sometimes time can just run away with you when you’re camming. It happens to us all, before you know it hours have passed and you’ve forgotten to drink. This could leave you feeling overly tired, headachy, lightheaded and dizzy, not to mention parched with a dry mouth.

The best way to prevent this is to keep a water bottle close to you, just out of sight from your viewers, that you can sip throughout your shows.

If however you’ve forgotten, it’s really important to rehydrate. I would always recommend after a show, to get yourself a big glass of water or whichever soft drink it is you prefer. This will help stop headaches and help keep your energy up after your show is done.

Photo by Cherrydeck on Unsplash

10. Eat Something

Just the same as we mentioned how easy it is to forget to drink during shows it can be even harder to get food in, unless of course your audience has a food fetish of some kind, then you should be ok!

Keeping easy to grab, healthy snacks close by is a great idea when your camming. If there’s a quiet moment or a lull in the action, you can just reach off screen for an easy to grab snack to keep your energy up.

However at the end of your show you’re probably going to be hungry, especially if you’ve exerted yourself. So to keep your energy levels and mood up, it would be advisable to eat a decent nutritious meal after your session. 

I hope this post has given you some ideas, and reminded you the importance of your mental and physical wellbeing during and after camming sessions. 

Which of these 10 tips from today’s post are you going to try?

Do you have some ideas that aren’t on this list? 

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below. 

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