Sex Toys – How To Clean Them

While the main focus of camming is on the show part rather than the clean up afterwards, it is an absolute must to clean your toys every time you use them. Not doing this can cause a build up of bacteria, lint particles and other dirt, and potentially lead to dire consequences for both you and your tools.

After spending decent amount of cash on toys for your shows and carefully curating a collection to be proud of, it would make a whole lot of sense to look after them and keep them in tip top condition so they are able to last the many rigorous activities they are put through. 

You and your wallet don’t want to be dealing with buying unnecessary replacements due to premature ageing, material breakdown, discolouration and broken motors and battery compartments.

Not cleaning toys properly could also leave you in pain and discomfort with potential UTI’s and yeast or other similar infections. That’s not great for you and not great for your camming business either. You may be out of action for a while if either of these things occur.

On the brighter side, cleaning toys can be simple and very effective, I tend to see it as self care, and taking pride in your tools. Every toy must be cleaned, dried, and properly stored. Remember, they are valuable assets to both you and your business as should be treated as such.

There are a few rules depending on the material and nature of the toy. Once you’ve got this it’s pretty straightforward and in time will become second nature, part of your wind down after a camming session.

The most important thing to consider when it comes to the cleaning of your toys, is the material they are made from. There are two main categories, porous and non-porous. 

It’s worth noting here that non-porous toys should ideally be all you are buying. They can be more pricey but consider it an investment. Non porous toys are of a much higher quality and much safer to use. They have a smooth  and water-resistant surface. They also won’t harbour bacteria if cleaned properly. Any potential bacteria will just sit on the surface as opposed to sinking into the pores. As long as you can clean the toy properly, this bacteria can be completely removed. Porous toys are just as they sound, they have tiny pores kind of like our skin. Bacteria and fluids can seep into these pores and can be almost impossible to completely remove even with cleaning. 

Examples of non-porous materials – 

Silicone (medical grade or body safe)
ABS plastic
Stainless steel
Borosilicate glass

Examples of porous materials – 

Thermoplastics (TPR and TPE)
Jelly ‘silicone’
Latex rubber

Unspecified –

Wood – Untreated wood is porous, coated wood could be non porous but be careful of the material used in the coating.

Crystal – Surprisingly most crystals are porous, however there are some exceptions.

Cleaning your toys 

Before starting any kind of cleaning, you first need to work out if your toy is waterproof, splash proof or maybe not waterproof at all. Also be sure to remove batteries so they don’t get water damaged.

Generally speaking if your toy is waterproof it should be fully water submergible. If it’s splash proof, you can usually get the surface wet but not submerge it under the water. If it’s not water safe at all it should be ok to wipe it down with a slightly damp cloth or wipe (not too wet).

Always be sure to check manufacturers advice on your specific toy though, as there are a lot of variables that can have on effect on water suitability.

Soap and water – 

So most sex toys can be cleaned with mild, ideally fragrance free soap and warm water. The gentler the better to avoid irritation. Make sure to wash them for at least 30 seconds, getting in all the creases and crevasses, rinse well, then dry them thoroughly with a clean towel. Whichever cleaning method you choose, make sure to allow your toys to dry off completely before storing them, ideally air drying them for a while, otherwise you run the risk of allowing bacteria to develop due to a moist environment. 

If you wish to take cleaning a step further for more peace of mind, there are some additional steps you can take for extra cleaning action – as listed below. 

Sex toy cleaner – 

With sex toy cleaners, it’s still best to first wash your toys with mild soap beforehand to remove any bodily fluids or lube. This will allow the cleaner to work to the best of its ability. Most cleaners are in a spray bottle format. You spray the cleaner all over, making sure to get the cleaner into all creases and bends, and then just allow the cleaner to work its antibacterial magic. Some require you to rinse and some don’t so be sure to check the instructions. 

UV cleaner – 

UV cleaners use UV (ultraviolet) rays to destroy bacteria. This one is high tech and an investment piece if you’re looking to go that extra mile. A quick, easy, chemical free and impressive way to sanitise your toys. Again, you must clean your toys off first to remove surface debris for the UV cleaner to work the best it can. Bear in mind the UV light can only clean what it can see. So if the toy is super ridgy or has lots of nooks and crannies this is something consider.

Wipes – 

Whether its baby wipes or antibacterial toy wipes, these can be a great option for giving your toys a quick clean without leaving your bed. You can use this method as a quick clean just before using your toy, or after use. If you’re using them after use, they should ideally be used in conjunction with a more thorough cleaning method. 

Boiling – 

Non vibrating, non mechanical toys that are 100% silicone, borosilicate glass or stainless steel can be submerged in a pot of boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Make sure to surface clean them first. This is a quick, and cheap way to thoroughly clean specific toys. It goes without saying that this method requires caution. Make sure to monitor the whole process, be safe and use tongs when handling the hot toys. Be sure to double check the material of your toy before boiling, as many would not be suited to this method and could end up causing damage to the toy or yourself. 

Dishwasher – 

Using the dishwasher to clean your toys does sound mighty convenient, however there are a few things to consider. This method would only be suitable for non mechanised, solid waterproof toys that are able to stand some heat. Also I would strongly suggest not using this method if you share the dishwasher with others for consenting issues and of course health and safety. If you wish to try this method, the best way would be to surface clean your toys first, then put them on the dishwasher top shelf. If your machine has a sanitise cycle this would be the ideal one to use. The main thing to remember is to not use any dishwasher detergent and run the cycle as water only. The detergent is far too harsh for your toys and can leave a residue on them, which in turn will transfer to your sensitive areas and cause problems. 

Cleaning porous toys – 

Porous toys are tricky and not ideal. Their surface may be smooth to the naked eye, but in reality it has lots of tiny holes that bacteria, viruses ,soap and dust can burrow into. This allows those particles to stay hidden and avoid the cleaning products you are using that you believe are making your sex toy sanitary. Instead the toy can become a breeding ground for these nasties we are trying to avoid! 

Ideally you would avoid these toys and stick to higher quality non porous materials. Many experts recommend putting a condom over toys made from porous materials, as this barrier method is the only way to keep the bacteria well and truly out. In practice this isn’t ideal for webcamming shows and these toys cause more hassle than they are worth in my opinion. 

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